Intellectual outputs, training and dissemination events
In order to make the aimed impact happen, all LOASA partners understand the need to deliver results. Meaning: tangible outputs, training and dissemination events. Let's follow the outcome-based approach and start with the finish photo.
After twenty-four months
When the project is completed, all project partners have run at least one pilot test with ECVET units of learning outcomes that align with the Skills Agenda by embedding generic, professional and social-emotional skills.
The pilots can take place in a formal learning setting but also through informal and non-formal learning. All pilots have been evaluated and have led to a better understanding of the relation between formal, informal and non-formal learning, qualifying and recognition of skills, vocational education and the labour market. These insights are translated into recommendations for updating and improving units or learning outcomes.
After eighteen months
After eighteen months the project partners have quality checked the ECVET units of learning outcomes for the selected job profiles. Where necessary the review results have been translated into recommendations for correcting / rewriting the units or learning outcomes.
Between twelve and eighteen months all learning outcomes will circulate within the project team; all ECVET units are reviewed by team members who were not involved in the design and writing process. This is essential for the quality assurance.
After twelve months
Halfway through the project the partners from industry and education institutions have produced ECVET units of learning outcomes based on the jointly formulated job profiles. These units include generic, social-emotional and professional skills. They are developed for formal learning, but thanks to their outcome-based design they can also be used for informal and non-formal learning. The ECVET units are focused on EQF levels 2, 3 and 4.
After six months
During the first six months all project partners have jointly identified and formulated a profile - the generic, social and professional skills that are relevant - for at least three professions / branches in the agribusiness sector. Each job profile was written by the education partners with input and feedback from the business partners. The so-called hidden competences and the profile of entrepreneurial behaviour, developed in the Yebisu e.e. project, are integrated into the skills sets and made visible using descriptors in the units of learning outcomes.
Before the start
Prior to the formal start of this project, the education partners gathered for the semi-annual Europea assembly and conference in Rotterdam. They seized the opportunity and organized an informal kick-off meeting to get on the same page and disseminate the outcomes of the feasibility study.
Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. That’s why we decided to do a feasibility study in February 2016. In this small-scale pilot partners from education and business collectively agreed on a profile for dairy production in the Netherlands and animal management in Finland. Based on this profile, the partners developed units that are learning outcome based, followed by exchange students from both schools who used these ECVET units at the work placement provided by the business partners.
Project results in brief
- A common and unambiguous framework that all partners are using to create units of learning outcomes that are based on ECVET principles and align with the New Skills Agenda for Europe.
- Selection and establishment of an applicable assessment methodology that are based on the outcome-based assessments as developed in previous European projects.
- ECVET units of learning outcomes on EQF levels 2, 3 and 4 for at least three different profiles (branches), and based on the framework as developed during the first phase of this project. Available in 6 different languages.
- Three of the education partners will deliver a training programme for the assessors of the ECVET units of learning outcomes .
- Training of potential assessors among the education and business partners.
- Results of the pilot with students and employees to test the ECVET units of learning outcomes. Due to the GDPR in the EU we can't publicly share the results containing personal data from the participants. If you're interested, please feel free to send us a request.
All project partners participate in the coaching, counseling and assessment during the pilots.
- Recommendations for adjustments and optimization of the ECVET units and assessments based on the results of the pilot tests.
- Organization and implementation of the multiplier events. All project partners, representing both business and education, will organize and implement a multiplier event in their home country.
- Implementation event EE. Joint multiplier event for non-partners. In this meeting all project partners organize an event in which six intellectual outputs will be explained and disseminated for implementation in Europe at the bi-annual assembly of Europea International.
Additional recources
- Poster presentation (size A1, 150 dpi)
- Powerpoint presentation summarizing the LOASA project (in English)
- Bridge model (pdf) explaining the way of working in the LOASA project
- 2-pager (leaflet, Word) summarizing the LOASA project (in English)
- Longlist of impact on operational, tactic and strategic levels (Word)